Choosing a Philosophy for Life

We should seek a good philosophy of life which can stay by our side when we have to face the stresses and strains of life.  It will enable us to see the problems of life in a more detached way If we have a philosophy of life it will help us to avoid conflict in the inner mind.

By |2024-08-19T12:57:18-04:00August 19th, 2024|Ma Yoga Shakti Messages|

Calming the MInd

The yogic theory explains that the sun means your soul and the moon means your mind.  As the moon receives the light of the sun and radiates it, similarly, the mind receives light from the soul and is energized.  If mind doesn’t receive energy from the soul, it will never be energized or be in its proper place.  So, we have to understand the relationship of the mind with the soul.

By |2024-07-09T18:12:48-04:00July 9th, 2024|Ma Yoga Shakti Messages|

Every Moment Is Precious

Chitta needs to be reconstructed; consciousness needs to be carved anew.  The tool to be used is the present moment.  Every moment is precious.  Be careful of your moments.  They are tools in your hands to carve your consciousness.  Life can be made very beautiful if we think it is beautiful.  We are nothing else but our thoughts.  We have closed our minds to our many assets. 

By |2023-09-30T21:17:02-04:00September 30th, 2023|Ma Yoga Shakti Messages|

Calming the Mind

The yogic theory explains that the sun means your soul and the moon means your mind.  As the moon receives the light of the sun and radiates it, similarly, the mind receives light from the soul and is energized.  If mind doesn’t receive energy from the soul, it will never be energized or be in its proper place.  So, we have to understand the relationship of the mind with the soul.

By |2023-04-20T19:56:49-04:00April 20th, 2023|Ma Yoga Shakti Messages|