Mind is always compared with water because the nature of water and the nature of the mind are similar. Why do you find ripples in the water? The slightest breeze can create ripples. In the same way the mind is always generating some kind of ripples or waves. There is never a single moment when we don’t think and this thinking power is like a wave. It arises in the lake of the mind. When you see or hear something outside you start thinking. You start acting or reacting. Yogis have found a way not to react. If you stop reacting or resisting everything becomes very smooth and flows like beauty.
Mind has the nature of having ripples. What is the breeze? The breeze is always the five senses. The five senses create breeze or vritti in your mind. Vrittis mean waves of the mind which turn into thoughts. Thought is in a language which you learn from your parents. My thought waves are riding the language of English. Waves or vrittis are not language.