The Invisible Seven Psychic Lotuses

The illustrations are how Ma Yoga Sakti meditated on the chakras and commissioned an artist to paint them. They are for meditation to arouse the kundalini power and psychic faculties. They also may be used as decorative pieces for a shrine or yoga hall. In the eBook format this book may be best used on a tablet that can display the pictures in color. Meditate on the psychic lotuses pictures, one by one.


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These pictures of the seven lotuses are seven gateways to the unseen world of awareness. Eeach lotus has details including name, location, colors, elements, mantra, deity, animal, sense organ, working organ, plane of awareness, siddhi, and medititational benefits.
They may be used as:

Meditational pictures for arousing the Kundalini power and psychic faculties.
Visual aid for elevating nerves.
Decorative pieces for your shrine.
Hang pictures in studios for training students.


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